Meanwhile, we can see Google improving in this regard with a number of blacklisted apps in the Play Store dropping to 76.4 percent in 2019. However, in their report, the RiskIQ analysts say that Apple has a comprehensive app review process that rarely allows it to host dangerous apps on its platform.
Surprisingly, the Apple’s App Store was missed in the ranking. When it comes to the highest concentration of the malicious apps, the 9Game app store again led the pack while the Feral app store, the Vmall app store, the Xiaomi app store, and the Qihoo 360s Zhushou store ranked on the preceding numbers. The second in the list was the Google Play Store with 25,647 new apps while Qihoo 360s Zhushou store, the Feral app store and Huawei’s Vmall app store followed on the third, fourth, and fifth rank respectively. According to report by RiskIQ's 2019 Mobile App Threat Landscape, the 9Game portal for downloading free Android games had over 61,669 malicious apps uploaded in the year 2019. is identified as the mobile app store with the most malicious apps in 2019.